The Meaning Behind the song “Canvas of Silence”
March 29th, 2011 | | Music | No Comments »

Just a little background on the original song that I wrote. The idea was brewing for quite some time. I always wondered why local music had to be played a certain way or use the same chords and even same words/phrases to get radio play. I am not trying to dis any local bands but there is so much chord progressions and so much more things to write about other than love and heartbreak.
Canvas of Silence by hirizmusic
I love Major 7 chords and studying music theory and being in Jazz band all four years in college plays a big roll in my writing and arranging. This song is not the usual two chord progression. The first verse’s main idea is there is no life with out music. Music has been around since the beginning of mankind. They came up with melodies on their own and gained fame “purely” on their talent.
The chorus pretty much states, here is a clear sheet of staff paper and write from your soul. The second verse talks about songs on the radio that lack talent and rely only on the repetitive “hook.”
I guess you can say the over moral is we need to start looking within and build songs again from scratch. This is just an inside look of what I was going through my mind while writing this song. There is “unlimited canvases of silence” for us to paint our notes.
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