Our CD Release Party was a hit!
March 17th, 2015 | | Cool Shit, Event Photos, News | No Comments »

If you missed it, our party was held at Hawaiian Brian’s Crossroads stage in the Heart of Honolulu. February 27th was a memorable night shared with many friends and relatives that made it out to support us. To recap, we had Kristi Masuhara and her boys help us out in starting the night out on time. Please look her Facebook up and check them out sometime. Next, our own, Kaimi Hananoeau, rocked it solo first with ukulele and then with his awesome loop and dual guitar sounds. The first full band up was STAR 101.9’s radio personality, Kevin Jones and his band The Desert Sea. They rocked it out! Kevin, don’t worry. It sounded super good and no, it wasn’t too loud lol! We slammed our set next. The reason why we didn’t close it out….we had some Aunties and Uncles that came out and we didn’t want to have them wait so long. Thanks for hanging out as long as you did though! Last but not least, we had Mindy Smokestack close it out with smooth reggae female vocals and harmony. It was a good end to a fun night. Feel free to click on their names to get connected with the artists.
We want to thank all our sponsors for the support; Koaloha Ukulele, Crossroad’s at Hawaiian Brians, STAR1019, Easy Music Center, Red Apple Ale, Bud Light, Volcano Ecigs, and Poi Planet. Special thanks to Raybern Freitas for the pupu, the Brede ohana for getting everything ready behind the scenes, and Jamie Ernestberg working the merchandise and door entry. Mahalo to thepier.org for doing a live stream on youtube. There is a little shout out to us in an article covering the Hawaii Reggae Rock scene on their website. Click here to view the article. Mahalo to the sound and light engineers for making the show more pleasing and down right bad ass! Mahalo to Lee for throwing up the posters and being in contact with us. Mahalo once again to Koaloha donating a concert ukulele for us to give away. And then, MAHALO to all of you that showed up and supported us this night!